Sunday Coupon Day... hehe

My mom and my grandmother both told me when I was younger that I would come into a time in my life where I would depend on the Sunday paper for coupons. I don't think either of them could have ever imagined what couponing would become. The absolute thought that I, the one who has said forever and a day - oh its' only 10 bucks, I'll get it, would look at items on a Target shelf and be discriminatory and actually make an outloud abrupt noise of utter shock that bodywash would cost $3.99, but then make an inner cheerleader whoopie noise when I realize I have both a $2. and a $1. coupon that I can stack and ultimately pay .99 for the stupid bodywash.

Yep. It happened. Heaven’s doors opened, angels sang… and then I quickly grabbed my items and moved to the next aisle to hopefully find my next treasurous markdown.

Now, before you start wondering if my hubby had to build me an extra room for my "goodie finds" or if there is special medication that I am taking or need to take - rest assured that I have not gone off the deep end. Yet. (j/k) I am simply taking what I need from a genre of "hobby" or "survival" or "frugality" choice that which is needed.

Take for example the following list of television shows that have educated a fair amount of us over the past few years.

Biggest Loser: We have learned the value of portions, accountability, self worth, and that deep down we all secretly dream of Jillian screaming in our face.

Survivor: We have learned that we will as human nature do anything to survive and win and be the best and knock someone else out of the race. Though they were dropped in the middle of nowhere they brought to each culture the nasty side of americans (hey that is just my opinion)

Big Brother: These heavily medicated obnoxious "I wanna be on tv" talentless people have never lived on the streets, never been homeless, never had to struggle to grow up and survive - literally. They were just fine in signing off on letting whoever it is that watched the show see them act no better than, well, I will stop - nothing good can be said when I go on a rant.

Extreme Makeover Home Edition: I learned that I can make a difference. Okay so I have never been on the set, or volunteered for one of the construction teams, but even if alot of editing goes into any show - the stories, needs, and support that ultimately come thru on this show should teach us all to look out for our neighbors (it may be that I would like to live next to people like those on the show as well... Ty. ;)

Hoarders: Good Lord Help Us! I was mortified and physically ill the first time I watched 5 minutes of this show. Hence, I then forced myself to watch the next 3 seasons - in a row over a course of 2 weeks on netflix. The habits and emotional disturbance of these people was addictive to watch, the way the counselors and junk removers talked with them, and do this all the time, made me wonder - what habits do I have that would drive my family crazy, create a hellish environment to live, or become overtaken by "things" that people around me are impacted negatively. So, instead of not learning from what I forced myself to watch, more organization and purpose is going on for me now and in my home. Remember, I am anal retentive by nature so this should be an interesting ride

And last but not least...

Extreme couponing: I'll be totally honest. I haven't seen the show. I don't want to. After seeing someone I knew accomplish great things for their family I knew I had to give it a try. But as I am human and as is my nature, I knew I would dive full force into something and then not have the follow thru to have an impact. Therefore I took time to develop my process. Saturday 2 papers, Sunday 3... review and file all new coupons, review and file all weekly grocery store deals... review and note off of my list and then add as to what we need in the house. That is the key. NEED. We are on a tight budget. Tight. TIGHT. Like my jeans from 1997 wouldn't be as tight on as our budget is now. However, life is short, financial times will change, habits will grow as I allow.

End of story... not even close. ;) The fun part/s are just begining.

Off to play chutes and ladders, make our NEED's list for the week, and the call list of survival. (I'll tell you about the latter one later)


DevinAnne (c)

I have double coupon fun next Saturday...


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