Call Center Operator

Ok, so I veared off the path of sweet delicate dedications today and wrote something applicable to what many might feel when you call an 800# for any reason. It is not one of the best, but it makes its' point. Have a fantastic day and keep a sense of humor. Maybe the other person,who is giving you a difficult time, had a tough morning... or not. =)

Oh dear call center operator
At your amazing 800 number
You shall hopefully be well
Through your entire customer interaction
With hesitation you will hear the state of a life
And that person will wonder in their brain if you’ve ever had to survive
A lay off, a downsize, a restructure or worse
For your tone and your demeanor
Is a suffrage of hurt
There is a solace in knowing that you are employed
But please take a note from an outside voice
When you came to work did you have a good morning?
Was your coffee and commute peaceful and almost boring?
Or did you run in the office because you were late,
Spilling coffee or Redbull on your shirt, for goodness sake
Did you wake up in a bad mood that increased -
With the shower water cold and you were out of soap
Maybe it was the phone call you got to remind you of a bill?
Or was it the animal poo that you stepped in and is still -
Irritating you so that you speak in a way
That degrades and in-humanizes the financial challenges some face
Please remember that those on the other side of the phone
Are human and trying to instill in their homes
A sense of accomplishment, of determination of wills
And that the economy and job market is anything but frills
Now to address your rude manner and your answers in script
Though you must review process, get off of your trip
Of “this is my job and you aren’t even worth it”
For in the end you will see that what happens in life
Within karma and within destiny
We all face our strife
With the strength we are made of
Knowing that each has their own
Battles and valleys that somehow derive from the stone
Of the fabric of life
We all together work to achieve
So dear call center operator take heed
You are unique in your own way, just as all are around
And your intention and motive should show who you are
Don’t sell yourself short by acting awry
But rather try smiling and thinking just once
That those on the other end of the phone call
Would rather not be your dunce.
Talk nice and calm with a genuine tone
And the customers who are calling will be
Calmer and nicer to you and the call will be over quickly.
Good luck in your day
May it be positive and blessed
And if not just remember this one simple test
Treat others as you want to be treated
Don’t sell yourself short
Be the best you can be
And don’t be a dope.

DevinAnne ©


DevinAnne said…
I must say that I have personnaly worked with some amazing reps in the past as well as talked to some on the phone... this was more on the majority of call center folks who need a smile.

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