I prayed last night with my little ones and was asked…
Do the prayers fly around us and then go like the wind to God?
What an amazing and beautiful way to imagine our prayers…
My grandmother used to tell me that prayers went to god on eagle’s wings. And as the curious little minions I live with then ask… wow that is a lot of eagles. I laugh and then reflect with these darling minions… when it is so windy ~ that is prayers being said and on their way to heaven. When it thunders it is those in heaven moving furniture around, and lightning – well lighting is God checking on the lights in heaven… that last one a five year old came up with… I found it to be ingenious.
Children’s comprehension of heaven and God is so simple… and as adults we put it out of our mind that things can be that simple. That our prayers jump on the wind and go to heaven. That God’s ears are everywhere is simply to “creepy” as adults, but as children we felt it to be a superhero invincible power…


As a grown up now who is forty and driving a mini-van… a mom who works two jobs because I need to and is in school to complete one of two degrees… my little minions put everything into perspective. My faith is strong and mighty… but I like to use my imagination sometimes and believe that my prayers I say just jumped on the wind that wrapped around me…

CassieAnneClaire © 


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