Hello, I am here.

Sunshine and rainbows - it came to me this week. I haven't written anything for a while and there has been a voice deep down in my heart that has been saying it is time. It is time to write what I feel and hear. It is time to be the voice of my own reason and let the heartfelt passion and love that God has bestowed do something. What have I learned is that life is to short to stop and consider not trying. That is my wisdom for today. That is it. simple. It is time to not bow down to fear. Fear of failure, fear of what others may think or say, fear that I may put too much of myself out there. No more will I bow down to fear.

So, with all that said I have to weigh in on a few current topics:

Gun Violence
IOC and Wrestling
Parent Accountability
Parenting a fifth grader

and I am sure a whole bunch more... we will do this for starters!


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