NMW. Period.

Funny thing happened yesterday... my kid actually said thanks. No seriously it happened. We were in the dining room, he looked up at me and hey mom - thanks for making me dinner. Of all the things to be thankful that is the one he goes with... okay. Well I guess the throwback to my teen days and my moms hot dish (or to some in other regions it is known as goulash)... anyhow. There it was. Pure joy and happiness  Don't get too excited though. It didn't last for long; within 10 minutes he was hitting his little brother and they were arguing about who was going to win the next round of Wii sports. It is what it is, no matter what. 

Without any doubts... wait what, no matter what... say it stronger No Matter What!? 

Of course there are doubts. No Matter What. I have them all the time and I know that I am not that unique and special... at all. Well, okay maybe I am a little special and unique but I am good with that! 

I had a revelation the other day and have come to a clear understanding for myself and parenting in general. And of course I am going to share it with you. 

Listen, we are not going to do it all perfect, in fact the majority of us are going to screw it and them up. We are going to over think, over analyze, forget the important, focus on the unimportant, and generally get in the way of them turning out amazing... but guess what? They will each turn out amazing, despite us. That doesn't mean we stop trying. We owe it to our kids to make them the priority. No Matter What. 

That phrase takes on a meaning of its' own until I over think it (imagine that, I over think something!) No Matter What... No matter what happens I will be the one to blame, berate, bawl my eyes out, bring treats, bake something, build a great project, and bully my way into their head and heart so that my kids know... No matter what... I got their back. No matter what.. 

Here are some questions that I dare you as a parent answer and reflect on today:

1 - By 8:00 tonight how much time will I have been on my phone
2 - by 8:00 tonight how much time will I have spent talking with someone face to face
3 - By 8:00 tonight how many emails will I have sent
4 - By 8:00 tonight how many miles will I have driven for you or your job
5 - By 8:00 tonight how many text will I have sent
6 - By 8:00 tonight how many minutes did I spend with my kids face to face
7 - By 8:00 tonight how many minutes will I have watched TV
8 - By 8:00 tonight how many pages of a book will I have read
9 - By 8:00 tonight how many people did I let know I appreciate them

If you get to this point and you see what my oh so subtle point is... awesome. If you get to this point and you don't get mine... let me know - I have got some other points to go over with you. 

Here is the deal, no matter what our kids are the number one responsibility that God has said - here, I trust you to do this. You won't do it perfect, you won't do it always right and you won't do it always wrong... but I trust you to always do this, to parent, to focus, and recognize that how much you love them is how much I love you... like an aha moment. 

Go have a great day, email your kids teacher and tell them to let your kid know you think they are amazing. Text your kid just to tell them you believe in them. Yeah, they might think you are a bit of a dork. It's okay. You told them and they never have to guess. 

DevinAnne (c) 


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