I'm Baaaaaack... (and I have got loads of good stuff to chat about!!!!)

Wow. One full year. There has been a gnawing feeling internally over the past year "Tell your story"... not sure what "story" I am supposed to tell. Until that revelation is made I will stick to what I know best - writing, at times rambling - but most times keeping your attention. If this is your first time here - welcome! Please go check out the past four+ years of writings and dedications... you will see there are large gaps in time of posts.. that is life, mine - and where my new stories will come from. 

For now - today, it is a new day. Full of everything I want, need, have to, and should do. I should stop drinking the coffee with 1/2 cream and get my tail to the gym... but I am not going to. Coffee is like... well it is me. I love my coffee. I miss my Starbucks Venti White Mocha with an extra shot.... but living in a small town and not having won the lottery sort of takes the Starbuck option away...but, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy amazing cups of coffee made by me... . haha... take that, (I still miss my Starbucks)

So here is my soap box for today. Go to it. 

Life is Short. Live it Big. You get one chance to be amazing, and if you fall down - get your ass up and begin again. God loves you more than imaginable, and you can't do it on your own. 

Yep, you guessed it - I am a hopeless romantic who believes in the Pollyanna, rainbows, and sunshine of life. I believe in silver linings, that all things that happen work themselves out, and this - no matter how cheesy or corny what I say or write sounds... it is on my sleeve with no hidden agendas. This is me. I believe in Pledges, in "the one", and in being fearless. 

Life isn't a bed of roses, Jon. And it doesn't always turn out awesome. In fact life - as each of us know can be downright icky. Yep - Icky. (Remember Mr Ick, or was it Uck - you don't see that sticker any more... just like you don't see Mr. McGruff anymore talking about strangers. The internet and access to kids has changed all of that....but now I am doing the tangent thing and have gone off). 

Back to Life - I don't believe that Life was designed to be fair, easy, karma filled, or whatever. It just is. Now the life after this one... that one for sure is the desire and dream... but you have to do a few things first. Live this gift you have been given. Live by the rules that the good Lord put down, live and acknowledge that God did something so miraculous for you. And then do it all over again the next day. That’s this life. Have your dreams, your passions, and your loves. Go after what makes you at peace.. Be careful to not let it be distraction and avoidance disguising themselves as peace. Think about that one for a second...

No matter how or who or what you believe... I think it is safe to put this down - we all (even the atheists) whether consciously or subconsciously believe that there is good and evil. That if you do good, good will find its way back to you. Here is the thought of the day - - - -- - what if it doesn't. Does that mean you are going to choose to do nothing good and do bad instead. Will that make you feel better? Will that get you farther? Hhhhhmmmmm... didn't mean to get that deep first day back at it... 

So - bring back to the fluffy side of life...  who are the top three people in your life. Here are my top three... 

For you... I mean the ones that make you smile just at the thought of them. Write their names down on a piece of paper. Put that paper in your wallet. Now, all the things that take you away from that smile you just had on your face... do they matter as much as you gave them credit for? (Meaning - did your actions or words change in sarcastic disgust?) Be your best. All the time. When life takes you down a notch, or two, or twelve... think of those people who matter the most... and get your ass up. Persevere and I dare ya to do it for the good and right reasons (because you are amazing).. If when it would be easier to do it for the wrong ones (like bitter, jealous, or revenge)...  

I've got a ton of funny, sad, ironic, thought provoking stories to tell... maybe we will go more fluff next post... maybe not. I will see what today turns out like 

Have a great day! 
Build something worth remembering today!



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