Guest writer.. Be nice please.

(Annie Rey guest writer today folks!)

Interesting how when I come into my own there are shocking news stories filled with tragedy and despair… how everyone rises up and takes a stand and shows emotion and vigor, until something more is needed that is. Don’t go and get all worked up… relax.. hear me out. You will have your thoughts, your opinions, your emotions.. you may even have more than one face to face conversation about this (yeah, online conversations don’t count… they solve nearly close to zilch, zero, nada, nothing) So after you have actually done something rather than sit there and think you have all the answers.. to you what I have to say may ruffle feathers, don’t read it if you are sensitive. This may offend someone that is not my intention. My intention is to share my opinion and get a conversation going. A real conversation, one that has purpose action and is moving forward to making things click. Like Lego-click.
Travon Martin and Zimmerman. Two completely different people,
I think the only thing they ever had in common was they lived in the same city, were both males, and happened to be in the same vicinity that perilous evening. That is it. Zimmerman, through whatever mental capacity he had, decided after being attacked, provoked, robbed, and beaten that the best thing he could do for the positive was join a neighborhood watch group. What I pull into question is – was that really the best move on his part? He admitted on several occasions he was scared, that he had been traumatized by the attacks he had endured prior along with his home getting broken into….It is not like where someone is afraid of going outdoors that we push them out the front door… his decision to his own happenings was a disastrous mistake. Then to arm himself with a weapon (to defend and protect himself) while on neighborhood watch… Zimmerman – you were not the police. You were not even mentally capable to do the watch shift… you failed to listen to people, you followed a young man whom you felt was doing something wrong. The more and more and more I am furious with the prosecutors and investigators of this case. From every single angle it seems they have dropped more than one, excuse me fifteen+ balls… and the American people who are not armed with all the facts are going after who? I have seen in the past two days people spewing hatred comments online because someone doesn't agree with what they typed. The pictures around the country of pleas for help and action are riveting and terrifying… because this entire situation should have been handled much better. (better yet, never happened at all and Travon would be here and Zimmerman would still be a dope but at least one who won’t wake up every day for the rest of his life knowing he is the reason someone died, that a mother and father will never see their son get married, have children, or accomplish his dreams)
Who do I find at fault and in the hot seat, let the list begin: (again, these are just my initial reactions… as I learn more I may change… just like you might change… regardless… the conversation over involvement, race, and the almighty question you should ask yourself…. As much as you say color/race doesn’t matter to you… how well do you really know yourself….Put yourself in both of these people’s shoes that night. What if you were going for a walk and someone started following you? What if you were neighborhood watch and took the heman identity to a whole new level – who would be suspicious to you?  This goes for ALL races to think about this question… and for the record, I actually do have experiences with different races and racial situations. Over my entire life I have seen, witnessed, been subjected to, been the target, and have been a part of building bridges to help “the conversation” be used for good.
#1 Police Department: When Zimmerman was robbed and attacked he did what he was supposed to do and called for help to the police – they took way too long to arrive. This does not build Zimmerman mentality that the police are going to do their job. It also builds up anger on one side and ability for the other side to continue behaving in a bad manner
#2 Zimmerman: Listen you nitwit – just because you got broken into and beat up – albeit that is very sad and tragic for you – been there and I haven’t armed myself (though it is my right to arm myself as a citizen of these great United States) to go and stalk people who are walking through my neighborhood after dark. You aren't the only person and you won’t be the last person in the US to have that sad incident occur to them. Reacting like you did and going all GI Joe on your neighborhood was not only careless and selfish – it was egotistical and biased. How dare you think that you are above another human being and following them with a loaded weapon, and above the law. I have those in my relative pool who have served within their communities and cities as police officers. They leave their home every day not knowing if they are coming home. They are the ones who are qualified, and so you weren't satisfied with the reaction time they had… get over it you nitwit… you egotistical nitwit. This is the land of the free and home of the brave and shooting stuff is allowed…not people. If you felt so scared that you had to get the gun to protect yourself – you shouldn't have had the gun with you, better yet like I already said – you shouldn't have signed up for neighborhood watch… moron. And for the record… to get the conversation going… no race was said in all that. The facts of the case were said. So. How do we start the conversation that race was an issue in this? Because from where I am sitting the facts are quite clear. Ego, selfishness, and self-empowerment over local law took precedence. Taking a life… Zimmerman you are a sad pathetic human being. May God have mercy on your soul? Only you and God know that one. And when you lay your head down on your pillow tonight you should ask God where Travon is, how he is, and if God will forgive you for what you did. I know the answer… do you? Conversation people. If you believe in God… you know where I am going.
But to continue my soap box rant:
#3 The Investigators and prosecutors: Holy Hannah and shit sandwich. Really… you morons couldn't make a PB&J if you had someone do the work for you. Dear Lord in heaven, have mercy on them for they know not what they did. Seriously. You got all worked up and excited and ego tripped over all the attention you were receiving on an issue that needed sensitive proactive and attention to detail efforts… One that required true genuine leadership. Nope. You botched this just like the Penn State Board botched everything – (I have chapters to share on that as well – but it is for another day… or this one if I really feel like sticking on my soap box.)
 Back to the investigators and prosecutors… everything that I laid out under #2…. You can’t come up with a charge for that… sounds a little premeditated to me. Sure Zimmerman had no idea that Travon would be taking a walk… but he sure wasn't gonna tolerate someone taking a walk in his neighborhood late at night ya know, on a residential street in the good ole US of A. Let alone someone whom Zimmerman thought was a problem. Ooops did I just say it outloud… Nope I didn't  To anyone who just got offended. Get off your train and be quiet for a minute. What ZIMMERMAN thought was a problem. Not me. Follow that with why did Zimmerman think the person was a problem… because of the way he looked? Go back to what the past 12 months had been like and what Zimmerman had gone through. Put yourself in his shoes, right up until that night… come on… you are spending all sorts of energy finding reasons to agree or disagree with me…take two damn minutes to close your eyes and imagine what you would do, how would you feel… NO MATTER THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN… DO THIS… now… imagine through all of it on that precarious night you were on “the watch” that someone that you normally don’t socialize with – perhaps the Mexican (of which I am part so I will start with the race conversations) is walking toward you on his phone, saying things like “ya man, I know homes, si’ man si…” (don’t lie, you all just used cheech or chong’s voice your head to say it…and I am not offended that you did… but others might be… again… this is the beginning of the conversation. Or what if it is a white young man, not in a polo style shirt and khakis, but rather in dirty pants and a dirty shirt… what would you think? Would you be on guard? Would you be concerned? Would you purposefully go the other way? I know plenty of people that are going to potentially lie, but I know deep down you would be… I know because I have witnessed it. Now what if, just like Travon was innocently walking home late at night, that white young man with the dirty clothes… wasn’t actually a problem… but he had just gotten off work as a janitor and was on his way home. Or the Mexican that was on the phone was talking to his brother who was going to need a ride to his next job and they were figuring out who was going to help their mom with grocery shopping next day?
Sounds crazy right? What conversations did you have today? Did you talk about Travon and Zimmerman, Cory Monteith (tragic loss to small screen entertainment and very sad in general but only one sad story in a pile of many… again, another big subject for a different post) did you talk about Syria or what is happening in Egypt? What about Snowden? Are you up to date on the latest with that nitwit? (Don’t get me started…seriously) Are you aware of funding for education in your state that may have changed in the past few weeks and how that is going to affect your kids this next school year?
 I will need to start an online opinion column and will start to have stalkers, haters, fanatics, and regulars… !) My point is… just what, what if…. Go out onto the limb with me on this one… if you answered to only knowing about one or two of what I just asked… what if you don’t know all details? Would that change how you talk to people? I am not asking you to change your opinion, your feelings, your emotions… not one bit… but how we talk to each other is more impactful than what we say… like when you show up to a job interview in jeans and a t-shirt instead of a nice pant suit. Or when you want to impress that special someone, but you fail to shower for two days prior and brushing your teeth is only a weekly event instead of a daily one. People.. this is how obvious and common sense driven all this is… ignorance is for those that are maniacally ego maniacs who “know” they have it all figured out…
My point is… before you give way to your opinions – know what you know – and please consider speaking passionately and with respect.
I have found more hateful comments coming from those who support Zimmerman… which… for the record… I would like to meet each and every one of you outside after school is out, after you are done with your job, your white coat meetings, and so on. If you are not in defense of this young man  (Okay so that was not what I am promoting in positive language or communication… but I really was holding it in!)
My God comment earlier… Ya know, after all is said and done. After everyone makes waves, makes change, makes enemies, makes friends, makes bridges and makes for way to positive action, after all of that, at the end of the day, at the end of our life – no matter how long or short we have it for… it is up to God and you. You to trust in Him, to love Him, to honor Him, and to acknowledge that all that you know is yet a mere .000000000001% of what He knows in just one little thought… (bad statistic but you get where I am going) He is bigger than our imagination, loves more than any parent can love a child, and I have two boys… I love them so much. When I consider how much God loves compared to how much I love them… I cry. Every time. It is overwhelming that each and every one of us matter. To God, we are all equal. We are all individuals. So. Mr. Zimmerman. When you go to sleep tonight… talk to God. The American people may not be forgiving you for what you did, but God will, if you confess and repent in your heart… but that again is between you and God Mr. Zimmerman. To Travon’s parents… I have no idea what words could ever come close to lending a feather of peace to your lives right now. Other than… God loved Travon when he was here… He loves him still now. No challenges that Travon endured matter anymore where he is… where he is it is beautiful, full of hope, full of love, and more magical and brilliant than our tiny minds can ever imagine. Ever. To the protesters… please be kind within the conversation. Go to the actions and find a way… not an action towards one who doesn’t agree with you.
In the end… we can be “smart” and talk like we know… like we have all the answers. When someone is shot dead, there is only one person left to do the talking… and yes we have all watched enough CSI and NCIS to believe that the science and evidence will help with the whole story – but folks lets remember, just as in this case being discussed here… there were human errors that impacted the entire trial/investigation.
One step at a time. One peaceful step at a time. One peaceful step with a branch of leadership, another of intergrity, another of character, and a final one… the best one… in faith. Through faith we can peacefully make a difference and attempt to find a way… to honor Travon’s situation. To honor all those young boys and girls who are gone to soon from us… just as I am writing this, yet another story has arisen of 3 boys being shot to death by a man. Story doesn’t make sense written just like that does it… it was three African American boys… and an older white male who had an issue with the volume of the boys music. Now does it make sense? If you even crinkled, hesitated, justified in your mind that yes it makes sense.. You have work to do on you. Your views on race. Your beliefs on all created equal. What? You don’t agree, you say you didn’t say that it make sense… but that you what… cat got your tongue? It doesn’t make sense, not one bit. In God’s eyes… all are equal, in God’s eyes He loves each one of us. Equally. We should all work on the whole olive branch kindness thing people.. oh and get your facts. Show some love. Live life with purpose. It goes by way to fast and before you know it you are left with regret, anger, sadness, and questions on what you would do different if you had the chance. Travon doesn’t get another chance. Zimmerman probably won’t either. Make a choice people. Live by love or hate. It is actually that simple. Be a part of the solution and bridge building, if you choose not to be... you are simply a part of the problem, a pothole in the road, another issue that has to get fixed. Again... I am not saying I a right about everything, nor am I saying I am wrong... I am getting a conversation started - a productive, postive, bridge building conversation. What do you have to say? 

Guest writer: Annie Rey



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