
I had a dream last night. Now let's make sure this in context.. My husband was in the dream, we were at some type of kid's camp... Adam Levine was a youth counselor (hey, I didn't say it was all realistic and no it wasn't a music camp!!) My late grandmother who stood 3 feet 11 inches when she went home to God was the head chef for the camp, and the camp was in the most beautiful cabin like fortress on the ocean, but the entire area was in a little part of what I can only describe as an alcove on the side of a mountain, on the beach, of the ocean...hey... just use your imagination.
There were so many children everywhere. The other adults faces weren't visible other than one married couple friend of mine who are actually going through some challenges themselves. The children were from all over, there had been a group from an orphanage who had been given permission to come to camp outside of their country.. much of the day to day was a blur, but the best details I have was one - there was a conversation as everyone was packing up. There was someone who represented an orphanage who kept talking about a girl named Sarah.
She went on and on how this girl was in constant danger and she had been unsuccessful at first to bring her to the camp we were at (which it felt like we were somehow running? - totally crazy. ) Anyways... there was something so real about it all. Nine hours and I can still remember every little detail, almost, of the dream. I remember as everyone was packing up the entire ginormous cabin hugging my gramma and she told me that I am doing okay but I have to have more faith and to smile more. To relax and not be anxious for anything... that I need to listen more and be attentive to what is seen and not seen. That everything that feels wrong right now is about to change for amazing beautiful things. Crazy dream. Even had my two dogs in it and how we had to find the dog food in the ginormous cabin like structure that had hundreds of children around (it was almost like Twilight Cullin's house but bigger by like 50 times)... the entire undertone of the dream was about this girl Sarah. Everyone in the dream kept talking about her, what else can be done, how can everyone help her... 

then I woke up. 

I feel like I have had it before. But with other details. Like perilous scary parts of when someone was missing or hurt, this same type of dream had children all around... I will say the cabinesque structure has definitely gotten bigger over the years in this dream. 

Crazy right? But what if I wasn't completely outside my mind... what if there is a little girl named Sarah out there who needs a prayer, needs an angel...and she needs it today, right now.  

 The pressing on my heart and all morning is that someday… a Sarah will come into our lives. I have no idea how old she is now, no idea anything about her. No idea if I will meet her soon or in 40 years. But there is a pressing on my heart to pray for a young girl named Sarah today. Pray that she is safe today. That angels surround her and bring her to a safe place. A feeling like I am somehow connected with her and never met her…

This all sounds completely crazy right? We are quite content in our home with our two wonderful boys. This isn't about me getting “my little girl” since I live in house full of boys… that isn't it. I know that isn't it… that isn't my point. My point that there is a young girl out there whose name is Sarah who needs some prayers today. I feel like I am sounding foolish so I started doing some thinking (and praying) and I am convinced… someday, I will meet a young girl named Sarah. She is kind, beautiful and smart. She has an amazing heart, and she wants to help others. And today… I pray she is kept safe.

So insane. So insane it sounds like I am having a mid-life crisis... haven’t even told my husband about my dream – if he keeps up on my blog like he says he does… he will think I have lost my marbles.. Maybe I have. Just something different about this… and figured I’d try to start a dialogue...

You ever had that feeling that someone was in the room with you, and you knew you were physically standing in there alone? Ever know for a fact you turned the light off and now it’s on? You ever talk out loud and there is a little voice somewhere that pulls on your ear and is barely audible? Maybe these things have happened and you just haven’t stopped to listen, maybe it is just so inconceivable that it could happen… that the Man Upstairs… aka God would actually have that happen… maybe it is a loved one who has moved on, a guardian angel… I don’t know… just something to think about…

Crazy right? 

Nope. Not a bit. I have feeling there are more people who have those experiences, they just don’t talk about them all the time… maybe you are nervous to admit it, concerned what others may think. Well, let me be the first crazy one today. I ask that you say a little prayer, a kind thought, something positive… for a little girl named Sarah. Not sure what this is all about… someday maybe I will…maybe your ear will get pulled on today. Listen carefully. 

So, the marbles are out… I am going to put them away now… I will share crazy with you again… but now back to love, hope, and joy. Perseverance and faith. 

go to it.. have a great day... remember what I said in my last post... say Thank you today...make someone's day today. Thank You...might make the day

CassieAnneClaire © 


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