Today. This is the Time!

Today. This is the time.

This is the time to separate the boys from the men, the women from the girls. The adults form the children. Wait… no that is a different speech.

Try again. Coffee (thank goodness!)

Today. Today is the day to hold on to. Grasp on to. Make beautiful. To be the absolute best a person can be. No hidden walls, hidden passages, or runaway tunnels.. Just great simple presence in the now.

At the core of who a person is, where were you on the most significant human times? 9/11? Death of a family member? Birth of a child? What constitutes a real life moment for you? What is the best day you have had so far in life? The worst? Who was there and who was important?

Life is short people. Too short to operate each day as if you have countless left. Make today a day that will be memorable in your own history book. Do something for someone else, something kind and compassionate, without any expectation of acknowledgment or something in return.

Pay it forward.

At some time in your life, a time when you may not even know it, Some person has looked out for you, they did something kind for you. 

Today pay it forward, do it silently with no acknowledgement. You could very well be someone’s angel today that they have been praying for. 

God may just use you in a miracle today. 

So be the best you can be. Life is too short to do otherwise.

CassieAnneClaire © 


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